Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Hi Everyone! I know it's been WAY too long since I've posted anything, but I finally have some really good news to post! I had an MRI on Sunday, January 4th, and just got a call today from my oncologist about the results. He said that this last MRI showed that there has been no growth in the tumors since I have been doing chemotherapy and that my treatments are working!!! This is the absolute best news we could have hoped for and I busted out in tears of joy at the news. The chemo actually seems to be working better than it did last time I was dealing with this and I am just eternally grateful for the amazing support I've had from my wonderful family and friends and doctors. Last year may have thrown a few challenges my way, but in a lot of ways, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world! 2009 has already proved itself to be a great year :)

In other good news, I finally finished my pastry school classes just before Christmas and I started my 6 week externship yesterday at a restaurant in Granite Bay called Hawks (check out the fancy pants dessert menu @ www. hawksrestaurant.com). I got really lucky getting this externship and have already learned a lot. I'm not sure if being a pastry chef at a restaurant is exactly what I want to do as a career, but it will definitely look good on my resume!

I hope you all are doing well and had a wonderful holiday season. I will try to make new posts more regularly in the future, you know how the holidays throw everything off :)

Hugs & kisses to you all!