Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy Anniversary to My Tumor!

It's a strange anniversary to celebrate, but 9 years ago today I found out that I had a brain tumor. That day I started mentally planning my imminent death. Who would have thought that I would have been doing as well as I am 9 years later??? I really do think it is a cause for celebration :) I've had 9 more years to make memories and live life than I thought I would have. It's not exactly the life I envisioned as a kid, but it has been fulfilling nonetheless and I wouldn't trade a single day.

Mason turned 19 yesterday... OMG I'm getting old! Mom & I are going to visit tomorrow to give him his bday gifts :)

No new news to report since my last post except that, as of Friday, they still hadn't gotten my pathology slides. Apparently Kaiser thinks they will have it by Monday. I'm not holding my breath, but keep your fingers crossed for me anyway!

Laurie :)

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