Thursday, October 13, 2016

Finally Some Good News :)

Yesterday I had an MRI and appointment with my oncologist right after to discuss the results. While we were shocked after my previous MRI due to the increase in size of the area where my tumor is, yesterday we were shocked by how much it had shrunk!

If you read my last couple posts, my doctor said the area of growth could have been dead tissue, swelling or active tumor.  I started taking a steroid to reduce any swelling and have had four infusions of a chemo drug called Avastin. With the noticeable decrease in size of the affected area, it looks like the drugs are doing their job :) I have one more infusion of Avastin scheduled, then I will have another PET scan to determine how much of the remaining area is active tumor. I'll post again after we get the results of the PET scan.

In the meantime, life goes on. About a week ago, my mom and I were having lunch in Sacramento and she noticed some blood in my eye, like a broken blood vessel. By the time we finished our lunch and got to the car, the blood had spread and covered most of the white part of my eye. We decided that, given my health issues and the fact that I'm on blood thinners, we should go to the ER to have it checked out. The doctor confirmed that it had likely spread so much because of the blood thinners. By that time, it had quit growing and I was told that there is nothing that can be done to help it go away. It is just a matter of time for my body to heal itself and absorb the blood, probably a few weeks. Luckily it doesn't hurt, but for the next few weeks I get to walk around looking like this:
At least Halloween is right around the corner so I can just say its part of my costume :)


Livin’ The Yeh Life’s said...

Hey Laurie! I don't know how to get a hold of you or where you're at, but just wanted you to know I am thinking of you on your birthday. Happy birthday!! Praying you are doing well.


Laurie said...

Hi Cara :) Thanks for reaching out! I've been thinking about our high school days a lot lately, so of course you too)My email address is Let's catch up, ok??? Its been a long time!

I hope you're doing well :)