Sunday, February 13, 2011

First Round Was a Breeze :)

Well, I just have a couple nights left on my first round of the new trial drug I'm on and I would never know it if you were slipping it into my food. In fact, I've been feeling great for the last few weeks with literally no side effects :)

A few weeks ago a friend of mine found out about a walk for brain tumors on May 7th in Golden Gate park and we've formed a team that is taking off like wildfire! Team Laurie's Ride is already the #3 fundraising team out of over 100 teams! It's been amazing to see how supportive everyone has been!

You can visit my home page at the link below & make a tax deductible donation if you'd like:

OR, if you'd like to walk with us, you can visit our team's page at the following link:

We have 18 people officially signed up to walk with us and are hoping to get as many as possible. There is only a $25 sign up fee, and then whatever else you can raise, but you are not required to raise any other money. We're working on getting T-shirts made too :)

Mom and I have started training for the walk. It is only a 5K (just over 3 miles), which would have been no sweat for me a few months ago, but since I've got my bumb left leg now, it's a bit more of a challenge. I'm totally committed to walking across the finish line though! Mom and I have done 2, 1 mile walks so far, but keep in mind that those miles were up and down the fairly substantial hills around our house. I'm pretty proud of us. I plan on having the butt I had when I was 17 by the time the walk comes :) If you have seen our driveway that we have to walk up and down, you'd realize that it might just happen!

Speaking of my bumb left leg, I think it's getting a little better! Either that or the stretches and exercises I've been doing are finally paying off because I'm not needing my cane nearly as much as I used to and I feel a lot more stable. I'm not falling anymore and stairs and curbs don't send me into a panic anymore :) I think my blood clot is just about gone and I've been wondering if it contributed to some of the trouble I've been having with moving my leg. It just really feels like I have more control over it, yay!

To end on a bit of a funny note, we woke up to a bat in our house a couple nights ago :) We occasionally have bats sneak in and my dad feels like a real outdoors man by hunting them with his bee bee gun. He's gotten a few so far. Well, the other night, my sister and her daughter were staying over and the three of us were sleeping upstairs in my bedroom. Shortly after turning off the lights, I heard a buzzing around my head. I turned on the light and wouldn't ya know it, there was a bat flying around like crazy! I tried to get it with my cane, without much luck, so we ducked out of the room and called Dad. He didn't have any more luck with his bee bee gun than my feeble cane-wielding attempts. Dena and Harley ended up sleeping on the couch and I crashed in a sleeping bag on the floor. We never did find the little bugger!

Not too much else going on lately. All the permits and inspections are done for my room they're finishing downstairs so they're really getting stuff done now. I'll try to post some pictures soon :)

Happy Valentine's Day y'all!!!!

Heart, Laurie

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hey Laurie! I was just emailing Erin before she left on her trip and she told me about your blog. It's so great to see your sunny personality and amazing way of handling all that's going on with grace and humor (hugs!). I live about 10 blocks from UCSF and 4 blocks from GG Park so hit me up! I don't know if I can join you guys on May 7th because that's right before finals (I'm at SF State getting my MA in English), but I'd love to see you any time you're in town!