Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy Labor Day :)

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all had a nice, relaxing Labor Day weekend :) I went to Fiddletown (big surprise) for a couple nights and enjoyed the slightly cooler weather than we've been having in Sac and the amazingly beautiful nights. Horch (my adorable dog for those of you not familiar with him) absolutely loves it up there. It's just about the only place I'll let him off a leash so he gets to go hunting out piles of deer poop to feast on. I try to discourage it, but apparently it's a real delicacy. I've heard that it is a favorite appetizer from many other dog owners. A few weeks ago I had Horch shaved so that his hair is really short now and he looks like a little puppy. I'll post a picture soon, but I don't have one right now... my camera's not working :(

I had my 3rd treatment of Avastin today. Everything went just fine again. I'm not real fond of the IV's, but I guess I can put up with it if this stuff is working. Speaking of that, I have an MRI scheduled for next Monday and an appointment with my doctor for the following Monday, 9/20 to get the results of the MRI to see if it has had any affect on my tumor. I'm super crazy nervous about it, but I'm trying not to worry about it and just keeping myself busy. My leg hasn't gotten any better, but it also hasn't gotten any worse. My oncologist just referred me to the physical therapy department so they can hopefully get me some kind of brace and teach me some exercises to keep my leg as strong as possible. I'm SUPER clumsy and kinda look drunk when I walk, but I think a brace that can help me flex my foot would really help my stumbling. I'm also thinking about getting a pimped out cane to make me more stable... something Snoop Dogg style with a cool brass handle and maybe a snake design carved into the shaft. On second thought, since I'm moving to Fiddletown, maybe it would be more appropriate if I whittled it myself while smoking a corn cob pipe .

Quick update on the boys, Mason & Skyler. They are now moved into their apartment in Davis and are trying to get used to the overwhelming amount of homework that comes along with college. We never made it past the fried eggs in terms of cooking lessons, but I kinda invited myself over this Thursday to finally make that curry dish with them. I'm pretty sure Mason will like it, he loves Indian food, but I'm not sure about Skyler, I'm thinking he's not super fond of veggies... I guess we'll find out! Apparently Mason has already been practicing some cooking on his own and it sounds like he's determined to become a great cook. He just needs a few pointers, but he's a very willing student. I'm so proud of him!

Ok, once again, it's past my bedtime. Horch is already snoring, so that usually let's me know that it's time to turn the lights off.

Hugs & kisses to everyone!

1 comment:

Mark and Renae said...

Hi Lolo!

We've been following your progress with mom & dad but it's about time we checked in with you! We are happy to hear the treatments are tolerable and you are amazingly resilent as usual. The situation with your foot must be frustrating and we are hoping for an expedient future solution. Your plans to travel sound wonderful and we would love to see you if you get to our neighborhood!!

Our love & hugs!!

Markie & Anae